Frequently Asked Questions
I received a message indicating that my text entry could not be validated. What should I do?
Check the format of the information you sent in your text message. Your message should consist of the word "apply" followed by a space, then a 6-character code. For example:
Apply 123USB
Neither "apply" nor the 6-character code is case-sensitive.
Re-enter the information again using the proper format.
If the issue persists, it is possible that your credit card offer has expired. Please contact the representative that provided your 6-character code for a new code.
I received this message: "We didn't understand your message." What should I do?
Our system can only understand messages that include the words "Apply", "FAQ," or "Cancel" (we can also accept "Continue," but only if you'd previously unsubscribed). If you aren't using one of these words, our system may not be able to understand your message.
Please double-check the spelling of your message.
What do you do with my information?
We retain a record of your phone number and messages sent from your phone number so we can better respond to your requests. We do not collect any personal information. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.
How do I unsubscribe?
This is not a subscription service. Therefore, it is not necessary to unsubscribe.
If you do not want to hear from us any more, simply do not send us any further messages. Alternatively, you may text "Cancel" to 872500 to terminate any further text messages from us.
How can I check the status of the application I submitted?
You may contact the representative that provided your 6-character code (could be alpha only more or less than 6) for the application.
If the above FAQs did not address your question, please contact our support team with your request:
Thank you for your interest in our credit card product!